No more excuses. I've been wanting to create a blog for years now and today's finally the day! Why didn't I just open up blogger, create a name and just start posting? Well, I was a perfectionist. And all you other perfectionists might know what I'm talking about when I'm going to explain that I didn't procrastinate but rather needed to find the PERFECT blog name, get on the PERFECT blogging platform and find the PERFECT niche to blog about. First it was going to be about one topic and then it side-lined to what seemed like a better niche. Then oh wait, someone else is already doing that - no one is going to want to read my blog. Then I didn't have the right blog name. Years later, this would now fall into procrastination. Damn creative avoision.
You know what's better than perfect? Done. Done is better than perfect. Even if it's shitty and makes everyone laugh. At least "done" has some ground where it can get revised - at least an idea has sprouted from something and is cemented somewhere at that time and place! "Perfect" will never come because it's just an idea in our minds that such a state of flawlessness exists. So here you are world, I give you "Just for CC" blog.
Now what finally kicked my ass to just do it? The very name of the blog explains a big part of it. Just for CC - that's me. When I first wanted to blog, I experienced so much of NYC life and culture that I thought it would be fun to share on a blog for friends and family who ask about what all the things I do. Okay, so it was going to be a personal blog. When I shared this idea with a friend, she thought it could go big and gain a lot of readership. Yea, I could think of bigger ideas to blog about, maybe even make money off Ad Sense. All these other distracting ideas would come in and yet my blog wasn't even created yet. Before you know it, I had too many ideas and lost the original intent - that the blog was supposed to be for ME.
I had dinner with a college friend one night and he said he was going to send me some links on some posts he thought was interesting. That same night, he created a Reddit account for me with the username, justforcc. He subscribed to a bunch of threads that he thought I would like (one of them being sex tips, har har) and said "Yea, if I didn't create an account for you, I wouldn't have sent you anything." Just like that, done. I had a Reddit account with threads all lined up for me. I was touched. And shocked at how honest that username was. There it was starting at me, my new blog name. My original intent. Here's to my first post and many more to come!
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