Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Big Day: NYC PanCAN PurpleStride 2013

I have so much to say :)  I'll start off with this quote that came from "The Heart of a Volunteer."  

"We are the ones we've been waiting for."  

The big day for NYC PanCAN's PurpleStride 2013 was today!  Friends, co-workers, friends of friends, and even strangers from all areas of my life came to support my cause for a cancer-free world and to honor my father at his 20th year memorial event.  I am HUMBLED for all the great words of encouragement and love that I received today from everyone!  I'm really no more special or courageous than you or anyone else.  The "leader" is in all of us and we can unleash those qualities by saying "yes," "what else" and "I'm doing this no matter what" more often.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.  

When you find yourself being inspired, ask yourself what you want to do with this energy.  Inspiration stirs the leader in you to wake up.  It sparks a goal, a dream, a desire that you've put on the back burner and it gets reawakened once you see the possibilities and results from others.  I want inspiration to be more than just a warm, fuzzy, happy feeling -- I want inspired people to ACT on that inspiration.  It tugs at your internal wants and it would serve you (and the world) to explore what rises on your conscious level when your inner leader is stirred.  

Inspiration is infectious.  I somehow enrolled 68 members to be on my team - that's 68 more people who are aware of pancreatic cancer and it's aggressiveness.  68 more people aware of that funding will go towards early detection methods and clinical trials so that 94% of diagnosed patients will have a hope that they can survive for up to 5 more years.  Imagine the type of inspiration you can have on others when you act on yours.  

It was someone's first 5k race today to start training for her first marathon.  
It was someone's first run to start a better lifestyle after gaining 20 lbs.  
It was someone's first charity event and now it won't be the last they contribute to.  

This day has changed the trajectory of many people's lives -- and I wouldn't even have known about it until they shared it with me.  Don't take your goals or dreams lightly.  They can have an impact in a multitude of ways.  The world deserves to have you step into your greatness today.  ACT on your inspiration :) 

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