Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Permission to inspire

I wrote about not being afraid of how powerful you can be from my How Bad do You Want it post.  After publishing the post and receiving feedback of how inspiring that was for readers, I realized that there is a whole other paragraph from that quote that speaks to exactly that.  When we see someone as powerful, it creates permission for them to also strive to be powerful as well.  Inspiration is that peak of hope that you can be like that too after witnessing that great power or results are in fact, possible.  The rest of the quote is below:

"It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

We're actually fearful of what we are capable of because we aren't often in a position of such power and influence - at the peak of our wildest dreams.  We train ourselves to think that our dreams aren't tangible so we talk ourselves out of it or lower the expectations so that we are satisfied with the current level of drive we're exerting. This is playing small in the world.  Stifling your gift/talent/vision doesn't do the world justice in what it can receive.  It isn't until we see someone else shining in their glory that we are inspired to let a little of our light shine too.  My request from everyone is that we shine ALL OUT.  To feel inspired is nice - so what?  What are you going to do about it?  Feel good for a day then go back to your usual routine that has your talents locked up?  Give yourself permission to get messy and urgent with your dreams.  Your calling.  Serving yourself will inspire the next person to do the same.

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Was Here

When I first heard of this song a year ago, it inspired me to tears.  How many people in this world want to leave a mark on the world and declare that "I was here" even long after they are gone?  While it sparked something in me to want to have a passion in something, anything I did - I didn't know what that was going to be yet.  Many people would think that I have my head on straight but I wanted more than just stability, more than just financial security, more than mediocrity.  I wanted to live life with purpose.  To make that declaration is powerful because not everyone would want to be accountable or to put their ass on the line.  It's a scary thing to say because the natural association is fear of failure.  "I'm not going to fail because I never promised such a thing," -- sound familiar?  

We as humans want to shrink and be non-committal because it leaves us free to think that we didn't fail or measure up when in fact we are failing ourselves by not trying.  How are we going to be extraordinary if we don't aim higher?  If we don't push to be our best?  When was the last time you've done something 100% and it was more than you ever thought it would be?  It's up to us in making our lives as meaningful or meaningless.  

I'd like to think outside of myself, my family and friends.  I don't want to just get a job, just get a family, just get by.  So what do I want?  The world is still in need of great leaders and compassion.  I want to leave this world a little better just because I was here.  If everyone had this same inclination to help rather than to hide, to love rather than to hate, or to be urgent rather than to be casual, the world would SHIFT in poverty, hunger, war and disease.  I do believe that we all have a calling of some sort.  A gift.  A talent.  Something to contribute to the world outside of yourself.  It may be changing the world or it may be changing just one life or one point of view.  Not everyone is cut out to be a leader but I think everyone is capable to love and to be loved.  Let's start there.      

Monday, February 11, 2013

How Bad do You Want it?

Sure, you want to be successful.  But how badly do you want it?  How bad do you want to give up sleep, partying or eating knowing that you're going to get just that much closer to your goal?  We're often too tied up with our normal routine and how cool we look in order to go after what we really want, why?  Because that involves risk.  Risk of failing.  Risk of looking dumb.  Risk of being uncomfortable.  If we were thrown into an ocean and we didn't know how to swim, you betcha we wouldn't care how dumb or desperate we looked to get out or stay afloat.  It isn't until we reach a level of desperation that we truly "do anything it takes."  

We shouldn't live our life in reaction to a negative event in life, like struggling for air when one is being drowned.  For example, my father died when I was young.  From that, I became independent and had a drive to succeed in school.  Graduated fifth out of my HS class.  Became a board member in many clubs.  Earned a Master's degree.  Were these accomplishments?  Sure.  Did I work hard? Hell yea.  Am I proud of them?  Not really.  I never liked taking credit for these accomplishments because I now know I was doing them in reaction my father's absence.  I wanted my mother be proud of me academically at least.  But what if I had chased a dream purely because I wanted it?  Had I just followed an instinct because my passion kept tugging my brain to pay attention to my heart.  If I can be anything in the world, I'd be a dancer.  But I went to major in English instead.  

Why are we most scared to go after the things we want the most?  

It is because you need to sacrifice who you are for what you will become.  We need to give up what we have in order to make space for what we want to have.  This part of sacrifice is what makes us uncomfortable. Change, even if it's made for the better, is not welcomed. To have results in life, you need to start tearing yourself away from your old habits, your old life.  Start living it, breathing it, eating it, and continue dreaming about your goals.  And to not be scared with what you will become. 

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

My love of dance found its way back into my life 10 years after high school graduation.  I'm not afraid with what I will become anymore. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

My charity of choice: Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN)

Pancreatic Cancer is one of the most under-funded, under-recognized and least researched cancers.  As the fourth most deadliest cancer (categorized by most number of deaths), it still has a single-digit survival rate with not enough funds or media attention to help increase it.  I didn't become aware of the PanCAN charity until I discovered that it was the very cancer that took my father's life 20 years ago.  At the age of seven I just knew that he was never coming back, nevermind what a pancreas was.  Now that I'm older, the details matter. 

Finally growing out of my childhood ignorance of my father's death, I asked my mom about the 6 month period from the time he was diagnosed up until he passed.  He was already in Stage 3 when they diagnosed him and the survival rate was only 2-3%.  I remember his shaved head and the pointy cheekbones that developed when he lost weight.  What I didn't see was his throwing up, bottles of pills and hours spent sitting in a chair getting chemotherapy. Through it all, he still gave us piggy back rides knowing that he wasn't going to be on earth much longer.

I came across the PanCAN charity when I made a conscious decision to live a more active life three years ago.  Out of the handful of 5k races I ran, I connected with this one the most because I ran for my father. They had a small, humble group of runners and walkers. Nowhere did it gain the amount of support like breast cancer did but I was proud to don my PurpleStride shirt because I was supporting a charity that could one day save the life of another, provide research that can one day cure or prolong the life of hundreds more where before the chances of living were almost nil.  

Their vision is to double the survival rate from 6% to 12% by the year 2020.  They have made massive political strides when Obama signed the Cancer Recalcitrant Research Act on Jan. 3, 2013 requiring the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to examine its current research efforts on cancers with very low survival rates.  Development of early detection methods and better treatment options are non-existent for pancreatic cancer patients -- this is the first legislation signed that targets benefits for pancreatic cancer. 

So let's make more strides with NYC PurpleStride 2013 on April 20, Saturday.  I will be running to honor the memory of my father since his passing 20 years ago.  It will be the first event where my immediate family members are uniting to move forward and change the world.  Wouldn't you want to be apart of doubling pancreatic cancer's survival rate?  To change the statistics?  To save future lives?  Please join my team to run/walk "20 YEARS STRONG" or donate.  Don't let the awareness stop with you, ask a friend to donate or run/walk with you too!  I have a goal to raise at least $5,000 and to recruit at least 50 runners/walkers!

April 20, 2013 - Saturday

Riverside Park
103rd & Riverside Dr.
New York, NY 10025

Registration Opens: 8:30 a.m.
Opening Ceremonies: 10:45 a.m.
Run/Walk Begins: 11:00 a.m.
Closing Ceremonies: 12:30 p.m.

 That's not the actual time I finished lol.
For the 2013 PurpleStride picture, I would like my team of at least 50 team members with me!