Monday, February 18, 2013

I Was Here

When I first heard of this song a year ago, it inspired me to tears.  How many people in this world want to leave a mark on the world and declare that "I was here" even long after they are gone?  While it sparked something in me to want to have a passion in something, anything I did - I didn't know what that was going to be yet.  Many people would think that I have my head on straight but I wanted more than just stability, more than just financial security, more than mediocrity.  I wanted to live life with purpose.  To make that declaration is powerful because not everyone would want to be accountable or to put their ass on the line.  It's a scary thing to say because the natural association is fear of failure.  "I'm not going to fail because I never promised such a thing," -- sound familiar?  

We as humans want to shrink and be non-committal because it leaves us free to think that we didn't fail or measure up when in fact we are failing ourselves by not trying.  How are we going to be extraordinary if we don't aim higher?  If we don't push to be our best?  When was the last time you've done something 100% and it was more than you ever thought it would be?  It's up to us in making our lives as meaningful or meaningless.  

I'd like to think outside of myself, my family and friends.  I don't want to just get a job, just get a family, just get by.  So what do I want?  The world is still in need of great leaders and compassion.  I want to leave this world a little better just because I was here.  If everyone had this same inclination to help rather than to hide, to love rather than to hate, or to be urgent rather than to be casual, the world would SHIFT in poverty, hunger, war and disease.  I do believe that we all have a calling of some sort.  A gift.  A talent.  Something to contribute to the world outside of yourself.  It may be changing the world or it may be changing just one life or one point of view.  Not everyone is cut out to be a leader but I think everyone is capable to love and to be loved.  Let's start there.      

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