Monday, February 11, 2013

How Bad do You Want it?

Sure, you want to be successful.  But how badly do you want it?  How bad do you want to give up sleep, partying or eating knowing that you're going to get just that much closer to your goal?  We're often too tied up with our normal routine and how cool we look in order to go after what we really want, why?  Because that involves risk.  Risk of failing.  Risk of looking dumb.  Risk of being uncomfortable.  If we were thrown into an ocean and we didn't know how to swim, you betcha we wouldn't care how dumb or desperate we looked to get out or stay afloat.  It isn't until we reach a level of desperation that we truly "do anything it takes."  

We shouldn't live our life in reaction to a negative event in life, like struggling for air when one is being drowned.  For example, my father died when I was young.  From that, I became independent and had a drive to succeed in school.  Graduated fifth out of my HS class.  Became a board member in many clubs.  Earned a Master's degree.  Were these accomplishments?  Sure.  Did I work hard? Hell yea.  Am I proud of them?  Not really.  I never liked taking credit for these accomplishments because I now know I was doing them in reaction my father's absence.  I wanted my mother be proud of me academically at least.  But what if I had chased a dream purely because I wanted it?  Had I just followed an instinct because my passion kept tugging my brain to pay attention to my heart.  If I can be anything in the world, I'd be a dancer.  But I went to major in English instead.  

Why are we most scared to go after the things we want the most?  

It is because you need to sacrifice who you are for what you will become.  We need to give up what we have in order to make space for what we want to have.  This part of sacrifice is what makes us uncomfortable. Change, even if it's made for the better, is not welcomed. To have results in life, you need to start tearing yourself away from your old habits, your old life.  Start living it, breathing it, eating it, and continue dreaming about your goals.  And to not be scared with what you will become. 

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." - Marianne Williamson

My love of dance found its way back into my life 10 years after high school graduation.  I'm not afraid with what I will become anymore. 

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